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Who Framed Miami-Dade Wolfson Campus!

Miami-Dade Wolfson Campus Annual Book Fair

When the Wolfson campus decided they wanted huge canvas prints framed to adorn the wall of their annual book fair, they had no idea who to call.

After various vendors turning the job down due to it‘s complexity, Miami-Dade College found Printer‘s Cove, Inc. Not only did Printer‘s Cove take the job, but we had a great time planning and executing the project.

At Printer‘s Cove we pride ourselves with tackling difficult to nearly impossible projects.

Because of the opening size of the door, this project had to be constructed in modular pieces and the canvas had to be stretched on site. This project had to be blueprinted and planned correctly from the start in order to achieve a presentable finished product. From schematics to printing to mounting and stretching everything had to be absolutly PERFECT!

Size is not an obstacle!

You read correctly. SIZE is NOT an obstacle. The smallest frame we installed in Wolfson was 16‘ High and 12‘ Wide, and the largest frame was 16‘ high and 36‘ wide. By building the frames out of various 6‘ to 8‘ smaller modular frames we were then able to put these small frames together to create the large ones. After each frame was correctly and carefully assembled, we then stretched each canvas print individually.

But just as important as building the frames correctly, printing flawlessly, and stretching the canvas like a drum, was the site survey. Before we even thought of buying wood, drawing blueprints, or even setting up files to print we had to do the most important part-- MEASURE! That‘s right. Measure.

The art director wanted the frames to be just 4“ from the cieling but didn‘t account for the lighting and speakers in the room. So in order to make our client happy, Printer‘s Cove spent a whole day measuring and taking down the position of light switches, air vents, speakers, fire extinguishers, and exit signs. This tedious process is the one thing that assures a perfect finish. Without this step, it is impossible to pull a project like this off.

Most companies will find this type of work precarious and bothersome. Printer‘s Cove thrives in making sure that any concept can be transformed into a living, breathing reality.

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